French: Goals vs. Expectations

Someone said to me today, that they knew what they were expected to do, but not what they should do.

That’s kind of how I feel about the goals that I set for myself this semester for my ILP!

I knew what I wanted to accomplish: being fluent in a foreign language. But it is much harder and much more time consuming than I allowed myself this semester. That being said, this semester really opened my eyes to understand how to become more fluent in a language and that I still want to become more fluent someday. At the very least, this semester really helped my overall French vocabulary and jump started the next stage of my French learning!

If you have been following my journey of learning French, this post is probably not surprising to you, as you know the struggles and setbacks that have been coming throughout this whole process. While part of me really wishes that I could honestly say that I reached my goal and did not have any massive struggles, another part of me is grateful for the setbacks. French is not the only language that I want to learn, so it really is a huge learning opportunity for me to realize what a commitment learning a language will really be.

I am still really glad that I took this challenge for my ILP and that I got as far as I did in m learning process. But as is usual for me, the goals in my head need to be actualized still in reality. I need to keep putting this learning as a priority if I want to really keep learning French and become fluent. One step at a time really is the best way to learn!

2 thoughts on “French: Goals vs. Expectations

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  1. As we get older it certainly becomes much harder to learn a new language! I have tried learning more Spanish but I just have a hard time remembering everything and all of the rules! I really envy you for taking this challenge and even admitting how difficult it was. I think that it might take us longer to learn a new language now but if we stick with it then we can certainly learn it eventually!


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